Over the past month, Wild Rose Administration, Bray Architects, and Miron Construction have attended multiple engineering meetings, made final design decisions, and discussed how the phasing of the projects would occur over the next two years. With the overall designs of both buildings complete, the architectural and engineering team will work over the coming weeks to complete the final details for the projects that will go into the construction documents. Meanwhile, Miron Construction is preparing documents to assist in putting the projects out to bid.
Coordination of final details in preparation for sending the drawings out to bid.
Finalize specifications and bid documents.
High-Level Project Timeline
November 17, 2022: Drawings sent out for Bid
December 7, 2022: Prebid Walk for Contractors interested in the project
Mid-December 2022: Bids Received on the Project
April 2023: Construction Starting
August 2024: Construction Complete